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Were you a CFM vendor in 2023 or 2024 with the same or a very similar product line?
If so, this is the simplified application for you.
New Requirements for Food Vendors in 2025 – along with a simplified application to make the process easier.

Are you new to the Cumberland Farmers Market,
or have you been away for a few years?
Or are you a returning vendor who has made significant changes to your business?
If so, this is the application for you.

Nous sommes situés entre Orléans et Rockland à environ 10km de Place d'Orléans.
Accédez au Village de Cumberland à partir de la route 174, du boul. St. Joseph / ch. Old Montréal Rd ainsi que du ch. Innes.
Le Village de Cumberland se situe à 10 km à l'Est d'Orléans et à environ 10 km de Rockland.
Nous sommes localisés à environ 20 minutes au nord de l'autoroute 417.
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